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Books you need to read to run a forum

Books we think will help you to understand better how to run and operate your forums. Let's go and read them now!

Here they are:

Building Forums with vBulletin
By Adrian Kingsley Hughes, Kathy Kingsley Hughes

Book cover for Building Forums with vBulletin

This book might be useful for you, especially if you are a novice in this field and don't have time to search Internet and vBulletin Official Documentation. Also it's quite old, but for the same time we can tell, that not much new things and options came for the past several years.

Book Description: Written specifically to allow you to create a discussion forum, vBulletin, provides all of the tools, features and functionality for you to set up and develop a vibrant community. Because it specializes in this one aspect of your website, all the features are geared towards this goal, and you can leave the improvement and additions to the vBulletin developers while you get on with managing the rest of your website.

Pages: 244
Ebook ISBN:978-1-84719-053-6 | ISBN 10:1-84719-053-7

Tags: books; forum; vbulletin